A Flight Plan Specifically Designed for you!

Everyone’s fitness journey is unique! We offer a comprehensive and easy onboarding and orientation process that will help you begin or continue your journey regardless of your experience and/or athletic fitness level.

Not Sure Yet?

Still deciding on whether CrossFit Fenix or CrossFit in general is right for you? Then our FREE CONSULTATION is the option you’re looking for. Click below to sign up for a tour of our facility, an opportunity to learn first-hand about everything we offer, and - if you’re up for it - a Free Movement Assessment designed to give you some insights about your body’s capabilities.

New To CrossFit?

If you’ve already decided you want to start but you have no idea what a ‘clean and jerk’ is or you’ve never attended a CrossFit Class, you’ll want to sign up for FENIX FOUNDATIONS! Foundations is a series of one-on-one sessions in which one of our certified trainers teaches you everything you need to be ready to jump into our classes. 4 Sessions - $150.00. (Includes a Free Movement Assessment)

Got Experience?

Already familiar with CrossFit? Getting back into it after some time away? Relocating to the area and looking to pick up right where you left off? Interested in doing a 7-Day trial to make sure Fenix is a good fit for you? Well, then what are you waiting for? Click below and let’s get you moving!

Community, Inclusivity, Fun